Stop 5 — Lafayette City Hall

“Memory of a Wave”

“This sculpture is one of the most massive sculptures I have completed. It consists of 66 discrete blocks and weighs over a ton. The scale of a sculpture matters. One could make the same form 18" tall and approach it as a stone-like object to look at and maybe feel with the hand. At that scale, it would be appreciated by the eyes.

As a 5-foot, 6-inch tall, and 9-foot-long sculpture, I imagine I can feel its presence reaching out into the surrounding space.” —Robert Pulley, Artist

Next Stop: Corner of 10th and Main Street (.39 miles (1.81 total walk))
Perched atop three slabs of Indiana limestone, "Composition with Slope" awaits at the corner of 10th and Main Street. This sidewalk area serves as a canvas for public art.

Thank you to our sponsors!

Thank you to our volunteers!

Lorie Amick, Katie Amick, Jim Berry, Dr. Tom Bridge, Scott Frankenberger, Tom Gall, David Hernandez, Luis Hernandez, Jerry Hicks, Kit Klutzke, Dennis Massey, Terry Stevick, Ralph Ward