Stop 2 — Brown Street Overlook


“Most of my sculptures suggest the human figure—I can't seem to escape that. "Cascade is roughly the proportion of a broad-shouldered human. At the same time, it strongly suggests fracturing stone and eroded runnels. This suggestion of proud body language, geologic deep time, and scars of weathering is at the heart of much of my work.” —Robert Pulley, Artist

Next Stop: Tapawingo Pavilions (.15 miles (.79 total walk))
Head south to the Tapawingo Pavilions to encounter "Twister," another striking sculpture standing over 9 feet tall. 

Thank you to our sponsors!

Thank you to our volunteers!

Lorie Amick, Katie Amick, Jim Berry, Dr. Tom Bridge, Scott Frankenberger, Tom Gall, David Hernandez, Luis Hernandez, Jerry Hicks, Kit Klutzke, Dennis Massey, Terry Stevick, Ralph Ward